
A Memo Demo

How we communicate is so different than it use to be. Remember the days of letters, and beautiful handwriting? My Mother’s handwriting was so pretty, and she communicated with her sisters via letters on a regular basis. I also recall being around ten years old, and selling enough Girl Scout cookies to attend camp free. Camp lasted two weeks, I would get so home sick then I would get a letter from my Mother and it felt like I could go on.

I have been a stay at home mom while my kids were growing up, so I totally missed the time when the computer became the thing to communicate with. I didn’t have a cell phone for years when they came out, just used our house phone. So when I went back out into the world I was lost. I remember friends and co-workers saying did you get the e-mail about this event, or a function for the kids at school, my reply would be I don’t have a e-mail. I was still using the phone to communicate and writing letters. I realize that computers are here to stay, and I do have a e-mail account, and am actually blogging so I have made progress. Thank goodness for computers, how did we ever live without them, or of course texting. I really only started texting a couple of years ago, and as nice as it is something is lost. Having children and needing to leave them messages about what I would like them to do that day, or maybe just a I love you note is a little bit more personal when done in your own handwriting.  Why not have things to leave messages that are whimsical and little pieces of art?  Things can be useful but still easy on the eye.

Another thing  I really like are pillows and art work that have messages. I like having a piece of art on the wall or a pillow on the chair that reminds me to stay positive  or to laugh a little bit during the day. I think it’s important to have positive memos  that you say everyday surrounding you. I know I have sayings I repeat to myself every day, “one day at a time”, “this to shall pass”, keep calm and carry on. I have heard it said that if you repeat things over and over it starts to work. In closing cell phones, computers are great, but lets not forget the importance of the human touch.

From our home to your

~Henrietta’s Hippo

This entry was published on 10/06/2012 at 3:11 am. It’s filed under Room Decor, Theme, Wall Decor and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

6 thoughts on “A Memo Demo

  1. I have a small chalkboard in my apartment, it is a very fun thing to use for little self memos but also when friends come round, always something hilarious is left when the guests leave 🙂


    • that is what so fun with those chalk boards, who knows what is going to be written on them. thanx for the reply

    • I wish people wrote letters still! There is something so lovely about the idea that someone you loved touched the paper that you’re holding in your hand, especially if you miss them. The letters from your Mom, she sat down and wrote those just for you. There’s something really special about that and I’m not sure if emails and texts can hold a candle to letters.

  2. It may be a lost art, but still something so beautiful, so raw, so timeless about writing letters! These new ways of communicating something special are wonderful too…!

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